Performed by
Bradie Clarke
Zest Health & Fitness
Sudbury, CO10 2XG
What is Diagnostic Muskuloskeletal (MSK) Ultrasound?
An ultrasound probe emits high-frequency sound waves, which are reflected back to the probe by the body’s tissues to form a live, real-time image. Ultrasound is safe for both children and adults as it does not use radiation. The quality of diagnostic ultrasound images is now considered superior to MRI scans for examining certain tendons, ligaments, and muscle injuries.
Physio Motive believes that diagnostic musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound provides important additional information to physiotherapy assessments, enabling accurate diagnosis of soft tissue and joint problems. This significantly advances the treatment and management of a wide range of conditions.
What conditions can Diagnostic Ultrasound help identify?
(Common conditions)
Shoulder – rotator cuff tendinopathy / tear, frozen shoulder, bursitis, osteoarthritis
Foot and ankle – plantar fasciitis (heel pain) Achilles tendinopathy, bursitis, Morton’s neuroma, Osteoarthritis
Knee – patella / quadriceps tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, meniscus, bursitis, joint effusions, Baker’s/popliteal cyst, hamstring / calf injuries
Elbow – tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, biceps injuries
Wrist, hand, thumb – carpal tunnel, tendinopathy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
Hip - gluteal tendinopathy, bursitis, Osteoarthritis
To help treat these conditions, Physio Motive offers a wide variety of treatments including Ultrasound guided injections, plus or minus your standard physiotherapy techniques (sports massage, strengthening, acupuncture).
What are the advantages?
These are the main advantages:
1. Accuracy - Enabling accuracy in diagnosis allows for effective treatment and may also be used to rule out differential diagnoses.
2. Real time Dynamic scanning assesses the tissues/joints in direct real time visualization.
3. Strong evidence base - Early use of ultrasound enhances patient management.
4. Directs treatment Ensures the client gets the correct treatment from the outset.
5. Monitor - For certain conditions Diagnostic Ultrasound can be used to monitor effectiveness of treatment.
6. Cost/time - Potentially saves the patient money and time by ensuring correct diagnosis from the outset.
7. Safe - Very safe investigation with no radiation.
8. Reassurance - Offers early reassurance regarding injury.
9. Comparison - Compare your injury to the non-painful side.
10. Guides intervention - Allows visualisation of the tissues whilst performing an injection and/or aspiration ensuring the needle solution if in the right placement and minimises further injury.
Do I need a GP referral to have a
Diagnostic Ultrasound scan
at Physio Motive?
No, Bradie Clarke has completed a university accreditted post graduate degree in MSK Diagnoistic Ultrasound at The Universtiy of Essex. He also works for the NHS as a MSK sonographer providing ultrasound scans and ultrasound guided injections.
Does my insurance company fund
Diagnostic Ultrasound scans
at Physio Motive?
​Unfortunately no, all Diagnostic Ultrasound scans and Ultrasound Guided Injections are self funding only.
Conditions we don’t scan
Please note we do not scan for:
Assessment of ‘lumps and bumps’
Abdominal region, including hernias
The spine, trunk or pelvis e.g. lumbar spine, thoracic spine and cervical spine/neck area