Performed by
Bradie Clarke
What is the Ultrasound Guided Injection Clinic?
At Physio Motive, Bradie provides a highly specialised ultrasound guided injection service allowing fast and easy access to pain relieving injections for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Ideally, you would have already had a Diagnostic Ultrasound at Physio Motive or elsewhere to diagnose your problem prior to your ultrasound guided injection.
Bradie performs all injections under ultrasound guidance to ensure they are safely and accurately delivered to the exact area of your pain. He provides the highest quality of care whilst adhereing to strict sterile techniques all at an affordable prices.
What are common areas that can be treated by injections?
Ankle & Foot
Plantar Fasciitis
1st MTPJ (Big toe osteoarthritis)
Ankle and subtalar joint osteoarthritis
Inter-metatarsal bursitis
Morton’s Neuroma
Retrocalcaneal bursitis
Baker’s cyst aspiration
Chronic ligament sprain
Hand & Wrist
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Joint Osteoarthritis
Trigger finger/thumb
Wrist joint
Wrist tendon tenosynovitis​
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis pain)
Golfer’s elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Distal Biceps tendinopathy
Rotator cuff tendinopathy
Acromioclavicular joint
Adhesive Capsulitis/ frozen shoulder
Calcific tendonitis
Biceps tendinopathy
Hamstring/Gluteal tendinopathy
Trochanteric bursitis – lateral hip pain
Hip Osteoarthritis
Corticosteroid + local anaeasthetic
1 Injection £230
2 Injections £ 440
Hyaluronic Acid
Ostenil Plus or Tendon 2%
1 Injection £280
2 Injections £540
Sinovial 3.2%
1 Injection £330
2 Injections £640
Combination Injections
Ostenil Plus or Tendon 2% + corticosteroid + local anaesthetic
1 Injection £370
2 Injections £720
Sinovial 3.2% + corticosteroid + local anaesthetic
1 Injection £420
2 Injections £820
Advanced Procedure
Aspiration + corticosteroid + local anaesthetic
What are the advantages of Ultrasound Guided Injection?
There is a significant body of research which demonstrates that ultrasound guided injections give better outcomes such as improved levels of pain relief, longer lasting benefits, and improve the post-injection function of the injected area, compared with injections that are done without ultrasound guidance ( e.g.blind/surface marked injections). There is also growing evidence that guiding the injection reduces the risk of trauma to local tissues or misplacement of the needle and/or the injection substance. This improves the safety of the injection and reduces the risk of adverse events associated with injection therapy. Because the location of the injection is more precisely known it reduces the chances of having unnecessary injections. Many patients find ultrasound guided injections to be more comfortable as often the required depth of the injection can be reduced.
How do I book for an Ultrasound Guided Injection?
To book for an injection you will need a Diagnostic MSK Ultrasound first to fully assess your problem. You can do this by book online or call our clinic on 07419589263 or email info@physiomotive.co.uk
Following your scan we will discuss your problem and your treatment options that may include injection therapy +/- physiotherapy (massage, strength, shockwave, acupuncture etc).